Explore a collection of Assamese quotes that inspire and provoke deep thoughts. Find meaningful sayings in Assamese language to enrich your life .
Assamese culture and offer profound insights into life. From love and spirituality to motivation and reflection, Assamese quotes have the power to touch our hearts and enlighten our minds. Join us as we delve into this captivating realm of Assamese literature and discover the timeless beauty of Assamese quotes.
Assamese Quotes: Inspirational Words from the Heart of India
- "যতিৰ অধিকাৰ, ততিৰ কৰ্মবিৰতি" - "Yatir adhikar, tatir karmabirati." (With great power comes great responsibility.)
- "অনুভৱৰ অলকতাৰ ভৰা মানুহ সময়ক সুখ নাই" - "Anubhawar alakator bhora manuh samayak sukh nai." (A person filled with the light of experience never lacks happiness.)
- "যতিৰ শৰীৰ, ততিৰ মন" - "Yatir sharir, tatir mon." (Where the body goes, the mind follows.)
- "মঞ্জুল সন্ধ্যাৰ প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি শক্তিৰ প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি" - "Manjul sandhyar protishruti shaktir protishruti." (The promise of a beautiful evening is the promise of strength.)
- "অস্থিৰ জীৱনত থাকিবলৈ অস্থিৰ মনৰ প্ৰয়োজন নাই" - "Asthir jibanot thakiboloi asthir manor proyozon nai." (To live a stable life, one does not need an unstable mind.)
10 Assamese Quotes to Inspire Your Life
- "মানুহৰ অনুভৱত সময় কৰিছে বৰ্বণতা" - "Manuhar anubhavat samay koriche barbanota." (Time paints the canvas of human experience.)
- "সত্যকে ভলতে পৰা কলে সত্যই জীৱনৰ উজ্জ্বলতা" - "Satyake bhalote para kole satyai jibanar ujjwalota." (Embracing truth brings brightness to life.)
- "বিজয়ী হোৱাত পৰিশ্ৰাম নিজৰ আঁতৰত হৈ থকা প্ৰয়োজন" - "Bijoyi howat parishram nijar antorot hai thoka proyozon." (Effort is essential to become victorious.)
- "আগত আগমন নিজৰ বিশ্বাসত আছে" - "Agat agomon nijar biswastat achhe." (Believe in your own arrival.)
- "জীৱনত সুখী হৈ থকাটো নিজৰ হাতৰ বৰফই পৰা সম্ভব" - "Jibanat sukhi hai thakato nijar hator barfoi para sambhob." (Keeping oneself happy in life is as possible as holding snow in one's hand.)
- "যাত্ৰা পথত অশিক্ষিত হৈ যায় তাত্ৰা আশা নাই বাবে" - "Yatra pathat ashikshit hai jai, tatra asha nai babe." (Where there is ignorance on the path, there is no hope.)
- "শক্তিৰ প্ৰমাণ মনৰ ভিতৰত আছে, নৈতিকতাৰ সত্যে পৰা মুক্তি সত্যকে প্ৰমাণিত কৰে" - "Shaktir praman manor bhitart achhe, naitikatar satye para mukti satyake pramanit kare." (The strength lies within the mind, and moral truth proves its freedom.)
- "জীৱনৰ শীৰ্ষ কষটি সত্যে পৰা ভালতে চাওক, নহয় অস্তিত্বে দূৰে থাকিবলৈ চাওক" - "Jivanar shirsha kasti satye para bhalote chaok, nahoy astitve dure thakiboloi chaok." (Strive to be true at the summit of life rather than staying distant from existence.)
- "জীৱন আনন্দৰ আভাস কৰাৰ এক উপায় হৈ থাকবোলো আমাৰ মধ্যত" - "Jiban anandar abhas korar ek upai hai thakobolo amar madhyat." (One way to experience the essence of life is within us.)
- "প্ৰেমৰ প্ৰকৃতি হৈছে সংযোগ, যদিওঁ ভাল কৰিছে তদিওঁ কেৱল ভাল আছিল" - "Premar prakriti haisa sanyog, jodi-on bhal koriche tadi-on keval bhal achil." (Love is the nature of connection, and if it has been good, it was only good.)
The Wisdom of Assamese Culture, in Quotes
- "মহাপুৰুষৰ শীল নিজৰ সংস্কাৰত সপোন কৰে" - "Mahapurushar shil nijar samskarat supon kare." (The character of great personalities forms its own legacy.)
- "জীৱনৰ মূল্য নৈতিকতাত লুকাই পোৱা হৈ থাকিলেও জীৱন উচ্চতায় নেই" - "Jivanar mulya naitikat lukai poa hai thakileu jivan uchchatay nai." (Even if the value of life is hidden in morality, life is not complete without morality.)
- "মানুহজন প্ৰেমৰ ব্যঞ্জনাৰ প্ৰতিভা সৃষ্টি কৰে" - "Manuhjan premor byanjanaar protibha srushti kare." (The creativity of people emerges from the expressions of love.)
- "বুঢ়াই বোৰ খোজিলে কেহে তেজি দিব নহয়" - "Budhai bor khujile kehe teji dib nahoy." (If you search for wisdom in old age, no one can give it to you quickly.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতিৰ সমৃদ্ধি সমৃদ্ধি যেনে আমাৰ জীৱন সমৃদ্ধি প্ৰাপ্ত হয়" - "Asomiya samskritir samriddhi samriddhi jene amar jivan samriddhi prapt hoi." (May the enrichment of Assamese culture bring enrichment to our lives.)
Assamese Quotes on Love, Life, and Everything in Between
- "প্ৰেমৰ বিচিন্তাৰ মাঝত জীৱন কাহিনী লুকে থাকে" - "Premor bichintar majat jivan kahini luke thake." (Life hides within the thoughts of love.)
- "জীৱনত যেতিয়া প্ৰেম আছে, তেতিয়া আনন্দ আছে" - "Jivanat yetiya prem achhe, tetya ananda achhe." (Where there is love in life, there is happiness.)
- "প্ৰেমৰ কুমুদিনীৰ আঁচলত সপোন কৰে আপুনি" - "Premor kumudinir anchalot supon kare apuni." (In the embrace of love, you find your dreams.)
- "প্ৰেম নিজৰ নেজৰ ব্যৰ্থ নহয়, পৰেশানৰ চাকৰ বাবে সময়ত কিছু অলস নকৰিব" - "Prem nijar nejor byarth nai, pareshanor chakor babe samayat kichu olas nokarib." (Love is never wasted, don't waste time on worries.)
- "জীৱনত প্ৰেমৰ কেউ কাক নেই, কিন্তু প্ৰেমৰ বিচারত সকলো কাকত থাকে" - "Jivanat premor keu kak nai, kintu premor bicharat sakal kakot thake." (There is no shortage of crows in life, but all crows reside in the realm of love.)
5 Assamese Quotes That Will Make You Think
- "মন সত্য়তাৰ দ্বাৰেই শান্তি আহৰণ কৰে" - "Mon satyatar dwarei shanti ahoron kare." (The mind finds peace through truth.)
- "ভাৱত মূৰ্তি, মূৰ্তিত আহবান" - "Bhavat muriti, muritit ahaban." (Embody your thoughts, and your thoughts will call for you.)
- "বিজেতানত বিচারী মানুহ একটু অস্বতন্ত্ৰতা উচিত" - "Bijetanat bichari manuh ekatu asvatantrata uchit." (A person who thinks about victory deserves a little independence.)
- "মন আছে, অনুভৱ আছে, আৰু মহজৰ বাবে যিমান বিশ্বাস আছে" - "Mon ache, anubhav ache, aru mohajor babhe jimana biswas ache." (The mind exists, experience exists, and there is faith in the grandeur of life.)
- "বিশ্বাস নাই পৰিশ্ৰাম, আছে পৰিশ্ৰাম তো আছে বিশ্বাস" - "Biswas nai parishram, achhe parishram to achhe biswas." (Without effort, there is no belief, but with effort, there is belief.)
3 Assamese Quotes That Will Inspire You to Be Your Best Self
- "শক্তি আছে নাই বোৰ সমৰ্থন নিজৰ" - "Shakti ache nai bor samarthan nijar." (Strength lies in self-support.)
- "আপুনি আপুনি হব পাৰিব মনৰ মণ্ডন" - "Apuni apuni hab parib manor mandan." (You can be your own adornment.)
- "অবশ্যই অশান্তিৰ আঘাত মেটি লওক, প্ৰথমেই স্বান্ত শান্তিৰ পাওঁক" - "Abashyai ashantrir aghat meti lok, prothamei swant shantir paonk." (First find inner peace to eliminate the impact of unrest.)
1 Assamese Quote That Will Change Your Life
- "বদলি কৰক আপোনাৰ ভাৱিস্যত" - "Badli korok apunar bhavisyat." (Change your future.)
The Power of Assamese Words: 10 Quotes to Inspire You
- "শব্দৰ শক্তি বিশ্বাস পোৱা যায় পৰ্যন্ত বিশ্বাস আছে" - "Shabdar shakti biswas pua jai parayant biswas achhe." (The power of words can be believed until there is belief.)
- "শব্দৰ ছোৱালত মানুহ চমক পায়" - "Shabdar chowalat manuh chamak paai." (In the thread of words, people find brilliance.)
- "শব্দবোৰৰ প্ৰভা হৃদয়ত কথা লুকাই দিয়া" - "Shabdaborar prabha hrdayat katha lukai dia." (The radiance of words hides stories in the heart.)
- "শব্দবোৰে সমস্তি প্ৰস্তুত হয়" - "Shabdabore samasti prastut hoi." (Everything is presented through words.)
- "মানুহ আছে শব্দৰ সৃষ্টি প্ৰাণৰ মাধ্যমে" - "Manuh ache shabdar srushti pranar madhyame." (Humans exist through the creation of words.)
- "শব্দত পৰিমাণিত হোৱা সত্য়তা বলিলে সোঁতে মিশা দিয়া হোৱা নহয়" - "Shabdat parimanit hua satyata bolile sonte misa dia hua nahoy." (The truth measured in words is not created by sewing stitches.)
- "কথাত নাই সীমা, শব্দত মহজগত নয়" - "Kathat nai sima, shabdat mohjagat noy." (There are no boundaries in words; words create the universe.)
- "শব্দত মাজত আছে জীৱনৰ কাহিনী" - "Shabdat majat achhe jivanar kahini." (Life's story resides within words.)
- "শব্দ স্পন্দিত কৰে মনত ভাবনা জাগা" - "Shabd spandit kare monat bhavana jaga." (Words ignite thoughts in the mind.)
- "শব্দবোৰে সৃষ্টি হয় প্ৰেম, বিশ্বাস, সত্য়" - "Shabdabore srushti hoi prem, biswas, satya." (Creation happens through words: love, belief, truth.)
The Beauty of Assamese Culture: 10 Quotes to Celebrate
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতিৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক সৌন্দৰ্য মানুহ আকা্ষ কৰে" - "Asomiya samskritir prakritik saundarya manuh akash kare." (The natural beauty of Assamese culture mesmerizes people.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতি এটা জীৱনী, সমৃদ্ধি, আনন্দৰ নগৰ" - "Asomiya samskriti eta jivani, samriddhi, anandar nagar." (Assamese culture is a city of life, prosperity, and happiness.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতিৰ অন্ধকাৰত মেজত জ্যোতি বিচৰে" - "Asomiya samskritir andhakarat mejat jyoti bichare." (In the darkness of Assamese culture, light shines.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতিৰ আমলত জীৱনৰ রঙ ছবিত পৰা হৈ থাকে" - "Asomiya samskritir amalat jivanar rong chabit para hai thake." (The vibrant colors of life are painted in the actions of Assamese culture.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতিৰ সমৃদ্ধি আছে মানুহ সমৃদ্ধিৰ আহবান" - "Asomiya samskritir samriddhi ache manuh samriddhir ahaban." (The enrichment of Assamese culture calls for the enrichment of humanity.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতি এক মহান কথা, গীতা, নৃত্যে উদ্যমৰ প্ৰবাহ" - "Asomiya samskriti ek mahan katha, gitat, nritye udyomor pravah." (Assamese culture is a great flow of stories, songs, and dance.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতি হৃদয়ত বাস কৰে, মানুহৰ স্নেহত অবাস" - "Asomiya samskriti hrdayat bas kare, manuhar snehat abas." (Assamese culture resides in the heart and dwells in the love of people.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতি এক নবীনতা, আধুনিকতাৰ মহাসাগৰ" - "Asomiya samskriti ek navinita, adhunikotar mahasagar." (Assamese culture is an ocean of novelty and modernity.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতিৰ মূৰ্তি মহজৰ জ্যোতি বিচৰে" - "Asomiya samskritir muriti mohjor jyoti bichare." (The sculptures of Assamese culture radiate divine light.)
- "অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতিৰ সৌন্দৰ্য বিশ্বে আছে শ্রেষ্ঠ, মহান" - "Asomiya samskritir saundarya biswe ache shreshtha, mahan." (The beauty of Assamese culture is supreme and magnificent in the world.)
Assamese Quotes: A Treasure Trove of Wisdom
- "বুদ্ধি পৰীক্ষিত নহয়, এজনি কৰে পৰীক্ষা" - "Buddhi parikshit nai, ejoni kare pariksha." (Intelligence is not tested; it conducts the test itself.)
- "জ্ঞান আছে নাই মানুহ আছে, কিন্তু মানুহৰ আহবানে জ্ঞান আছে" - "Gyan ache nai manuh ache, kintu manuhar ahabane gyan ache." (Knowledge exists, not within individuals, but in the invitation of humans.)
- "মূৰ্তিৰ পৰিয়া চিনকি নপোৱা যায়, মূৰ্তিৰ মাজত জন্মৰ সকলো উপহাৰ আছে" - "Muratir pariya chinaki nopaowa jai, muratir majat janmar sakal upahar ache." (One cannot comprehend beyond the form; within the form, every birth holds gifts.)
- "আত্মবিশ্বাসৰ দ্বাৰেই সমৃদ্ধি লব মানুহ" - "Atmabiswasar dwarei samriddhi laba manuh." (Through self-confidence, one attains prosperity.)
- "জীৱন এখন দীৰ্ঘ নহয়, আৰু পৰমাণুত সমৃদ্ধিৰ আহবান দিয়া যায়" - "Jivan ekhan dirgha nai, aru paramanu't samriddhir ahaban dia jai." (Life is not long; it invites abundance even in the smallest things.)
The Essence of Assamese Quotes
Assamese quotes are not mere words; they are reflections of Assamese culture, traditions, and beliefs. Rooted in the rich heritage of the region, these quotes carry the wisdom passed down through generations. They encompass diverse themes, such as love, spirituality, nature, relationships, and more. Each quote is carefully crafted, often adorned with poetic elements, to convey profound meanings in a concise and elegant manner. The beauty lies not only in the words themselves but also in the emotions and experiences they evoke.
Themes in Assamese Quotes
Assamese quotes cover a wide range of themes, offering insights into various aspects of life. Let's explore some of the prominent themes in Assamese quotes:
Love and Relationships: Assamese quotes beautifully express the nuances of love, longing, and the complexities of relationships. They celebrate the joys of companionship and highlight the importance of trust, respect, and understanding.
Nature and Environment: Assam's lush landscapes, mighty rivers, and diverse flora and fauna inspire many Assamese quotes. They emphasize the harmonious relationship between humans and nature and evoke a deep appreciation for the environment.
Spirituality and Philosophy: Assamese culture has a strong spiritual foundation, rooted in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Assamese quotes often reflect spiritual teachings, guiding individuals on their paths of self-discovery and enlightenment.
Cultural Pride: Assamese quotes carry the pride and identity of the Assamese people. They reflect the rich cultural heritage, traditions, festivals, and folk tales, fostering a sense of belonging and preserving Assamese identity.
Impact and Relevance
Assamese quotes hold immense significance in the lives of the people of Assam. They serve as a source of inspiration, motivation, and guidance. These quotes are shared during special occasions, social gatherings, and festivals, instilling a sense of unity and reinforcing cultural values. Moreover, Assamese quotes find their place in literature, music, and other art forms, adding depth and beauty to creative expressions.
Popular Assamese Quotes and Their Meanings
In this section, we will present a selection of popular Assamese quotes and delve into their meanings, unraveling the profound wisdom they hold. We will explore their origins, contexts, and the emotions they evoke, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the cultural nuances embedded within these quotes.
Assamese quotes are a reflection of the soul of Assam—its culture, heritage, and traditions. They encapsulate the wisdom, emotions, and experiences of the Assamese people, offering insights and guidance in various aspects of life. As we conclude this journey, we invite readers to immerse themselves in the world of Assamese quotes, embracing the beauty and wisdom they hold. Let the words resonate within your hearts and minds, enriching your lives and fostering a deeper appreciation for the vibrant tapestry of Assamese culture.
The history of Assamese literature and the role of quotes in Assamese culture.
Assamese literature is a rich and vibrant tradition that dates back centuries. The earliest known Assamese texts are religious in nature, but over time, Assamese writers began to explore a wider range of topics, including love, loss, nature, and social commentary. Quotes have always played an important role in Assamese culture. They are often used to express wisdom, humor, and insight. Quotes can also be used to inspire people, motivate them to achieve their goals, or simply make them smile.
The meaning of the quotes and how they can be applied to everyday life.
The meaning of Assamese quotes can vary depending on the context in which they are used. However, many quotes offer general wisdom that can be applied to everyday life. For example, the quote "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" can be interpreted as a reminder that even the smallest steps can lead to big accomplishments. Similarly, the quote "It is never too late to learn" can be seen as an encouragement to never give up on your dreams.
The impact of Assamese quotes on people's lives.
Assamese quotes can have a profound impact on people's lives. They can provide comfort, motivation, and inspiration. Quotes can also help people to see the world in a new way and to make better decisions. In some cases, quotes can even change the course of people's lives.
The use of Assamese quotes in art, music, and film.
Assamese quotes are often used in art, music, and film. They can be used to add depth and meaning to a work of art, or to simply make a piece of art more visually appealing. Quotes can also be used to set the tone of a piece of music or to create a sense of atmosphere in a film.
The future of Assamese quotes and how they can continue to inspire people.
Assamese quotes have the potential to continue to inspire people for generations to come. They are a valuable part of Assamese culture, and they offer wisdom and insights that can be applied to life in any era. As long as there are people who are willing to learn and grow, Assamese quotes will continue to be a source of inspiration.
Types of Assamese quotes:
- Motivational quotes: These quotes are meant to inspire and motivate people to achieve their goals. They often focus on the importance of hard work, perseverance, and self-belief.
- Inspirational quotes: These quotes are meant to uplift and inspire people to live their best lives. They often focus on the importance of love, compassion, and forgiveness.
- Thought-provoking quotes: These quotes are meant to make people think about the world around them and their place in it. They often focus on complex issues such as life, death, love, and loss.
- Humorous quotes: These quotes are meant to make people laugh. They often focus on everyday observations and experiences.
- Poetic quotes: These quotes are meant to be appreciated for their beauty and rhythm. They often use figurative language such as similes, metaphors, and imagery.
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Assamese poem love captures the beauty of deep emotions, expressing love through nature and heartfelt words. Feel the rhythm and warmth of love in every verse.
Assamese love poem brings together emotions of love, devotion, and longing, beautifully expressed through nature and heartfelt words of affection.
Assamese romantic poem speaks of love and emotions through nature, devotion, and the bond between hearts. Feel the rhythm of love in every verse.
Emotional love poem in hindi: दिल छूने वाली कविता
Pyar bhari shayari in English that touches the heart and soul. Express your love with beautiful and romantic shayaris for your special one.
English Shayari on life love brings deep emotions in poetic words. Explore the beauty of love and life with heartfelt, touching, and inspiring shayari.
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Punjabi love shayari in English to express your deepest feelings. Find heart-touching romantic shayari full of love, emotions, and passion to share with your sp
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